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“What you think, you become.”

Does anger, guilt, anxiety, resentment, fear or any other negative emotion impact on you in your daily life?  Does it sometimes show up in your work, impacting on your ability to lead effectively?


It is well known that our emotions are created by our thoughts.  As Gautama Budda stated, “What you think you become.”  I have previously written about how we can be plagued by unwanted emotions.  I introduced Prof. Steve Peter’s book, “The Chimp Paradox” and suggested that we all need to learn to control our raging inner chimp.  An important way to do this is to be mindful of our thoughts.


How often have you dreaded an upcoming situation at work?  You know that you have to have that difficult conversation, or fear that you will reveal that inner imposter?  Perhaps you need to give a speech in front of a large audience?  Well, you have the power to ensure that you don’t allow your thoughts and emotions to impact on your ability to lead effectively.


If you pre-empt these challenges with negative thinking, you will create unwanted harmful emotions which will impact on how successfully you can perform.    Instead, try to imagine yourself accomplishing these challenges professionally, with ease and confidence, radiating calm.  Just as negative thinking creates unwanted negative emotions, positive thinking creates positive emotions such as optimism and confidence, fuelling our ability to succeed.

If you would like to consider how you can harness your thoughts to make a positive difference, please get in contact.



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