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Setting intentions

Updated: Mar 25


 How do you start your day? 


Blearily going through your daily morning routine? 


Looking after your loved ones by making breakfast, sorting out school uniforms or work clothes, making packed lunches?


How often do you start your day by thinking clearly about what you want, and need?  Do you allow yourself time to think about how you would like to approach a task - feeling calm, with purpose, or energy, or optimism?


I have found that setting intentions each morning really focuses the mind, helps set my attitude and directs how I use my time each day.    This results in increased productivity, and improved wellbeing, leading to less chance of overwhelm.


It is very easy to spend the whole day reacting to others: getting dragged into operational tasks, or responding to information that is being presented to you.  On some days, you may spend the whole day facilitating other people’s priorities without ever getting to your own. 


Choosing your mindset for the day, and deliberately transmitting this to others can make a huge difference to how you impact on your organisation.  


It is also so important that you ringfence time to work on YOUR priorities so that you are able to think strategically, to plan or make improvements or refinements to your organisation’s strategy or approach. 


Finally, remember to keep note of any barriers you face and plan proactively to remove these over time.

If you want to discuss setting intentions, choosing your mindset or increasing your productivity, please get in touch!


Have a great day!



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