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New Headteacher?

As a new Headteacher, it’s incredibly hard to know what to tackle first.  You are so busy learning all the school routines, meeting the staff team, getting to know the children and their parents, trying to evaluate school strengths and areas for development.  It’s hard to avoid becoming completely reactive to everyone else’s needs.  A day may go past, or a week, when you realise that you haven’t got to your own priority list.  Despite being a strong, talented teacher and team leader, you maybe haven’t yet acquired the full range of leadership skills and behaviours that you will need to enable your school community to flourish.


This is where coaching can be really helpful.  It provides you with the time and space to pause and reflect and “to step back from the day-to-day ‘noise’ and see the wider picture”.  It provides with the opportunity to critically evaluate how you are leading, what is working, and what you want to improve or change.  A professional coach can amplify this reflection through using carefully crafted questions to deepen thinking and accelerate clarity and decision making.


It was an absolute pleasure to work alongside Jon Coe during his first Headship.  Coaching sessions enabled him to pause, evaluate and strategically plan his next steps.


What strategies do you use to step back from the day-to-day noise?  How do you ensure that you have protected time to be strategic?  Join in the conversation.  I’d love to hear from you.


If you are feeling like you can’t see the wood for the trees, or can’t find a moment to get to your own priorities, I may be able to help.  Please DM me to arrange a free discovery call to further discuss your requirements


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