Last week I posted about the recent DfE Working Lives of Teachers and Leaders report. The headline data shocked and concerned me, as it did many of my followers and commenters. We all agreed that something significant and systemic needs to happen to improve teacher workload, wellbeing and ultimately teacher retention.
Whilst I believe that the government needs to drive forward urgent, substantial changes to transform the current pressures on schools, I also believe that individual leaders can make a difference through their courageous leadership and their school cultures.
Leaders can improve the situation for their teams through removing excessive workloads and through protecting their teachers’ time. Leaders can create a culture where wellbeing and mental health is prioritised by ensuring that they genuinely listen to staff and provide support wherever it is needed.
With 36% of teachers and leaders considering leaving education within the next year, it feels like it is essential right now to focus on kindness at work. A culture with kindness genuinely at its heart has the potential to:
· Lower stress
· Reduce staff absence
· Improve student attendance
· Retain staff
· Attract new talent
· Contribute to highly performing teams.
🤔 Do you agree? Is a culture of kindness part of the solution?
🤔 What else can individual school and trust leaders do to help?
Join in the conversation and share your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you.