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"I'm rubbish at interviews"

“I can’t possibly get that promotion.  I don’t know what they want me to say.”

“I’m rubbish at interviews’

I have a number of clients who aspire to a new leadership position, but who have let a lack of confidence stop them applying from their dream roles.  

When I speak with these clients, they clearly have the experience, knowledge and attributes for the role, but are worried about saying the wrong thing, or expressing their knowledge or understanding inarticulately.  A couple of my clients have even been concerned about their regional accent, thinking that they don’t sound professional enough for the advertised post.

It’s surprising how many leaders think that they must say what members on the interview panel are thinking.  But I don’t believe recruiters have a closed mindset and are only looking for certain responses, expressed using common language.

In my view, these are all internal barriers which need to be swept away.   Providing applicants have the relevant experience, attributes and skills, they should not be put off the recruitment process by trying to mind-read the interview panel.

Instead, I have been working with clients to build their confidence and self belief to express their experience and opinions in their own voice, in their own way.  I believe that successful leadership teams are diverse and need a range of experience and perspectives.   To be an effective leader, you need to be prepared to disagree respectfully and to challenge when it is necessary to do this.

In order to establish this effective, diverse team, it’s important that everyone brings their own voice and authenticity to the table.    

You just be you.  I will just be me. 


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