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"I ended up in A&E"

How often do you put work and the community you serve before your own needs?


How often have you had an illness that hangs around for weeks, or months, leaving you feeling exhausted and approaching burnout?


This week, I seem to be meeting colleagues like this every day.  I’ve worked with a CEO who is currently being woken in the night feeling like they are drowning with a chest infection.  I’ve coached a primary school key stage leader that has had flu for weeks and is soldiering on feeling terrible. I’ve worked with a Headteacher who told me that she recently ended up in A&E because she kept ignoring her own health and putting her school first.


Please don’t get me wrong, I am NOT advocating that every time we feel unwell we should be off work.  Not at all.  However, I am concerned about how sometimes we take this too far and end up seriously unwell as we continue to prioritise our work over our own health.  


I just want to remind you all that you can’t serve others, and be the leader that you need to be, if you are unwell, depleted and exhausted.  You just can’t.  So, please be kind to yourself and recognise if you need to take some time off to recover.  Please don’t feel guilty if you need to work from home for a couple of days, or go into work a little late.  Be kind and look after yourselves.

If this resonates with you and you find it hard to balance your own wellbeing with the needs of your role, please get in touch.






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