I've found myself very busy in the last couple of weeks which has resulted in me having to made decisions about how I prioritise my time. When you have lots on your plate, it's tempting to try to do everything quickly or more superficially. However, my experience tells me that this doesn't really work well for me. If I haven't spent time on something, engaging well with the content, it doesn't really stick. I don't have the understanding or the recall that I need.
One of the mantras I use in this situation is to do fewer things in greater depth. This is a really useful reminder to prioritise the most important work. I often work with leaders who are also really busy and say that they don't have time for important work, but I believe, that if we stop and reflect we can usually either postpone, cancel or delegate some of our less essential tasks and meetings.
At the start of every day, week and month I do this. What do I really need to spend my time on that will ultimately help me to achieve my goals. What can I delay or even decide to cross off my list? This practice really helps me to focus my mind and allow me to focus on the most important things and immerse myself in the tasks in greater depth.
🤔 Do you sometimes struggle with prioritising or feel that there simply isn't enough time in the day or week?
🤔 Do you sometimes struggle to recall or understand key information because you haven't had the chance to work at depth?
Get in touch. I may be the right coach for you. 😊