I read a really thought-provoking article by Tiffany Beck OBE in Schools Week last week that argued that teaching has an image problem, and needs a reboot. She argued that the negative narratives about teaching are exacerbating workforce issues. Read the article here: https://schoolsweek.co.uk/recruitment-teachings-narrative-universe-needs-a-reboot/?mc_cid=e4c51658d0&mc_eid=b41bfd6721
Whilst I often comment on the current challenges within education, including the teacher recruitment and retention crisis, I do see Beck’s point, to an extent. Certainly, the constant negative press about teaching is not helping to solve the problems that teachers and leaders are facing and a more positive narrative about the joys of teaching would help balance the negativity.
I absolutely loved being a teacher and school leader for almost 30 years, even when I was navigating difficult times. It was such a privilege working with children and their families and serving the community. Schools provide you with such a strong sense of belonging in your community. I loved working within a tight-knit staff team who all pulled together to inspire young minds and to eradicate inequalities.
However, I also burnt out. Years of a high workload, high levels of challenge and accountability combined with difficult to manage menopause symptoms, broke me for a while.
I strongly believe that individuals can make a positive difference to improve the challenges in school through their optimism, values, culture and ethical leadership.
However, I don’t believe that individual leaders, or changing the narrative is enough to address the challenges that schools are facing right now - although this will certainly be part of the solution.
The recent changes to pay, the right for teachers to take PPA at home, and the flexibility around TLR payments signalled by Bridget Phillipson are welcome, but in my view, much more is required to tackle workload, accountability, and support for children with complex SEND, social care and behavioural needs.
🤔 What do you think? Do you think a reboot would make a difference?
🤔 What change needs to happen to make working in education joyful again?
Join in the conversation and share your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you.