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Writer's pictureClaire Platt

Coaching is NOT a luxury

The Teacher Wellbeing Index for 2023 reports that 95% of Headteachers and 89% of senior leaders are stressed. 55% of senior leaders feel that their organisation's culture has a negative impact on their wellbeing. 44% of senior leaders do not feel that they are well supported with their mental health.

Overall, 84% of senior leaders in education are experiencing behavioural, psychological or physical symptoms of poor mental health due to work. They report the following symptoms:

  • Insomnia (55%)

  • Irritability and mood swings (52%)

  • Tearfulness (46%)

  • Anxiety (44%)

  • Difficulty concentrating (43%)

  • Over-eating (42%)

  • Recurring headaches/migraines (41%)

  • Exhaustion (41%)

  • Burnout (40%)

  • Muscle tension (37%)

  • Forgetfulness (36%)

  • Depression (26%)

  • Acute stress (24%)

  • Dizziness (22%)

  • Changes to appetite (21%)

  • High blood pressure (16%)

  • Panic attacks (15%)

  • Under-eating (10%)

The demands of leading a school feel as if they are at an all time high. 38% of senior leaders say that they are often or are sometimes lonely (compared to 25% of the population in England). 8% of senior leaders experience acute stress and loneliness at work. 13% experience both burnout and isolation at work. 9.5% of education staff have been clinically assessed to be at risk of suicide.

Despite shrinking trust and school budgets, I believe this data demonstrates, that coaching is far from being a luxury for senior leaders, headteachers and trust leads. Whilst organisations may have wellbeing and mental health initiatives in place, this is clearly not enough to support the majority of senior leaders.

I still have some availability for next year for coaching for senior leaders, headteachers and trust leads. Half termly coaching sessions start at £600 for the year for hour long sessions, or £900 annually for 90 minute sessions. Please contact me for more information.


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