“I long, as does every human being,
to be at home wherever I find myself.’
- Maya Angelou
Never before has the importance of belonging been so well understood.
We know from many pieces of research that a sense of belonging is an important factor in academic performance, mental health and overall wellbeing.
If you experience a strong sense of belonging, you feel like you are a valued part of a community and can be confident that you will fit in and be safe.
I imagine Maya Angelou felt a lack of belonging due to both her gender and ethnicity, but there many other ways that we can be made to feel like we don’t belong.
During this Monday, let’s try to make all others that we meet, or work with or lead, feel valued and a welcome member of our communities.
🤔 How do you quickly put people at their ease and make them feel at home?
🤔 When have you felt that you don’t belong? What impact did this have on you?