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Back to Business...

I posted a while ago about the challenges and the delights of fostering two litters of kittens, along with their nursing mothers.  Whilst they were adorable, I felt completely distracted from my work, and increasingly frustrated about my inability to focus.

Well this gorgeous bunch was moved to another fosterer recently, and I am now returning to some form of normality.  

Yet I still find myself so conflicted:

I wanted my time back, but I really miss playing with the fluffy bundles of mischief.

I am enjoying having my workspace clear and uncluttered, but am feeling a bit lost -  like my chicks have flown the nest.

Therefore, I am trying to practise good habits to get back to business:

  • I am setting my intention for each day.

  • I am organising my time, to make sure that I have time to both develop my business as well as carry out work with my existing clients.

  • I am setting goals for each month and milestones for each week.

  • I am deliberately planning in time to reflect so that I can refine and improve what I can offer.

If any of you have any other good ideas to help me to get back into the working mindset, these will be much appreciated!  Thank you.

By the way,  if any of you live in the south west, the kittens will be ready for adoption soon - if you are interested, please visit


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